Muchísimas gracias a Nueva Lengua! Pasé un tiempo muy especial, y voy a extrañar la escuela. Los últimos 5 meses fueron unos de los más felices en mi vida. Específicamente  …

TASH • Estudiante Australiano

A “Escuela de español Nueva Lengua” tem uma estrutura de boa qualidade e com um grupo de professores de excelente capacitaçao técnica. A forma de actuaçao nas clases é apoiada em …

PAULO DAL- CERE • Estudiante Brasileño

Cartagena, Uma Colômbia que você nem imagina, nada de traficantes, violencia e perigo. Cartagena de Indias fica localizada no norte da Colômbia em frente ao mar do caribe, tombanda …

LEAH • Estudiante Brasileña

Mis amigos muchas gracias por todo! La despedida es triste, pero voy a volver a Brasil con la certeza de que aprendí mucho de ustedes!! Fue una experiencia increíble …

THATI • Estudiante Brasileña

J’ai étudié quatre semaines à Nueva Lengua à l’automne 2003. Pour ce qui est des cours d’espagnol, j’ai appris beaucoup et j’ai vraiment amélioré mon espagnol…

EMILIE BIGHAM- DESROCHERS • Estudiante Canadiense

I had a conference in Panama in July, so I decided to take some Spanish classes. Since I had a positive experience with Nueva Lengua Colombia the previous year, I called them for my visit to Panama. This turned out to be a good decision. The school in Panama is very well situated and has a dedicated team and well organized activities.

CHRISTOPHER CLARK • Estudiante Canadiense

Zasílám pozdrav z Prahy kolumbijské škole Nueva Lengua, kde jsem strávila překrásný měsíc studia španělštiny. Kromě samotných kurzů jsem díky škole měla možnost…

ZORA PITAKOVA • Estudiante Checa

Mit sporgkursus var en rigtig god oplevelse. Jeg modtog undervisning først én uge i Bogota og efterfølgende én uge i Cartagena. Det var en god kombination, hvilket gav mig en…

KRISTIAN • Estudiante Danés

Profesores Queridos ¡Gracias por toda tu ayuda! De verdad este viaje fue una experiencia inolvidable. Viajé con la intención de conocer el país, conocer mucha gente y divertirme …

SIOBRHAR • Estudiante Danés

Ich habe Ende 2006 für 3 Wochen spanisch mit Nuevalengua in Bogota gelernt. Ich benötige spanisch in erster Linie für berufliche Zwecke, und hatte bereits geringe Vorkenntnisse durch …

JURGEN WUNDERLICH • Estudiante Alemán

Ein Sprachkurs bei Nueva Lengua in Cartagena ist ein absoluter Hoehepunkt eines Aufenthaltes in Lateinamerika. In einer der schoensten Staedte der Karibik und Amerikas …

ANDREAS HAACK • Estudiante Alemán

Ich war 2 Wochen in Cartagena und habe dort die Sprachschule nuevalengua besucht.
Es war mein 2.Aufenthalt in Cartagena und ich muss sagen, dass es eine …

JUTTA EGGELING • Estudiante Alemán

Medellin, die Stadt des ewigen Frühlings, ist geprägt durch das angenehme Klima. Die Menschen sind dort sehr hilfsbereit und gastfreundlich. Auch meine Gastfamilie hat mich sehr herzlich…

DANIEL HAHN • Estudiante Alemán

Hej alla glada och äventyrslystna svenskar som vill lära er spanska! Jag heter Samantha Rozi och bor i Stockholm. Jag har ett brinnande intresse för det spanska språket …

SAMANTHA • Estudiante Sueca

For egen del spenderade jag en vecka i Cartagena och 4 veckor i Medellin pa Nueva Lenguas sprakskola. Jag blev upphamtad direkt pa flygplatsen. Enligt min mening var …

TORD LINDSTET • Estudiante Sueco

Nueva Lengua är ett mycket bra alternativ för den som vill studera spanska; klasserna är små,lärarna är personliga och professionella och anstränger sig verkligen för att göra…

CLAES CALEMARK • Estudiante Sueco

Meine Erfahrungen an der Universität de la Sabana (Nueva Lengua- Bogotá)
Jeder weiss, dass sich eine Sprache am einfachsten und effizientesten im …

STEFAN ENZLER • Estudiante Suizo

ich war 6 wochen in kolumbien und habe mich erst sehr kurzfristig im land entschieden noch eine sprachschule zu besuchen.   via internet fand ich nueva lengua und habe…

KATHARINA • Estudiante Suiza

Muchisimas gracias a todos de Nueva Lengua, especialmente a las profes hermosas! Mi tiempo aca era una chimba. No solo aprendi mucho del idioma…

PASCAL HUSER • Estudiante Suizo

Muchas gracias por todo lo que me enseñaron acá!!! Pasé unas semanas súper chéveres. ¡Nunca voy a olvidar esas experiencias! …

CLARA WYSS • Estudiante Suiza

Muchas gracias por todo!!! Nos vemos en Suiza para esquiar …

NATHALIE • Estudiante Suiza

During the month of August, 2003, I decided to take a three-week vacation and use it to study Spanish. Since I take my four-year-old daughter with me when traveling, I wanted to …

KATAHARINE • Estudiante Estadounidense

I’m very happy to write about my experience at Nueva Lengua Bogota. The program you have developed served me wonderfully, and I expect I will return…

STEVEN WERLIN • Estudiante Estadounidense

I really enjoyed my time at Nueva Lengua . The teachers were quite good and made an effort to teach about the culture of Cartagena as well as the language. They were all wonderful…

TARA AHMED • Estudiante Estadounidense

Nueva Lengua was the third language school our family had attended. It was the first to put us with a family that had a child with whom our 12-year-old could relate. When my wife…

ROGER FRIEDMAN • Estudiante Estadounidense

Just a short note to say to Pedro and his staff how much I enjoy the Spanish Language experience at the Nueva Lengua Escuela de Español. I certainly learned a foundation in Spanish …

ALFRED CROSS • Estudiante Estadounidense

Nueva Lengua provided me a great introductory learning experience with the Spanish language. The staff is very friendly, and they tailored the instruction according to my needs…

LLOYD OMENSON • Estudiante Estadounidense

Please do not trust a word on this page it’s all lies. The site is too modest and intentionally downplays and even outright lies about the quality of this program. For whatever reason…

BRANDON PETIT • Estudiante Estadounidense

My experience in Colombia especially Medellin was more than I ever imagined.  it was one of the best investments I could have ever made.  More importantly was the…

RAY FORTUNA • Estudiante Estadounidense

I learned a lot about the culture on the Colombian coast, Spanish and of course salsa in Cartagena and Nueva Lengua. The students were great to hang out with, Centro de…

JEROME BURDI • Estudiante Estadounidense

Dear Rafael and Pedro: I would like to thank you and your staff for making my training in Spanish in Medellin, Colombia a very enjoyable and unforgettable experience …

LLOYD SOOBRIAN • Estudiante Estadounidense

I went to Nueva Lengua in Cartagena for a Spanish refresher course. My teacher, Leidys Soto, was excellent — she was encouraging and patient. She challenged me to go further…

COOKIE DOMINGO • Estudiante Estadounidense

Many things enriched my experience at Nueva Language, but the one thing that stands out in my mind, was the opportunity I had to volunteer.  When I opted to volunteer, I didn’t…

JULIE PRICE • Estudiante Estadounidense

Because of health services research in which I am involved, I began taking Spanish lessons during 2005 and also began looking for a Spanish immersion program. I was put…

JEAN SEAGO • Estudiante Estadounidense

I have just returned to the United States from Colombia after attending Nueva Lengua for a month in the cities of Bogotá, Cartagena, and Medellín.  My experience was very positive…

ROGER DUNBAR • Estudiante Estadounidense

A Amira, Marce, Rafael, Andrea, Maricela, Oscar, a toda mi familia en la escuela Nueva Lengua. Gracias por ayudarme con mi español. Pasé mi tiempo en Bogotá súper chévere y …

MIKE TAMASELLO • Estudiante Estadounidense


TASH • Estudiante Australiano

A “Escuela de español Nueva Lengua” tem uma estrutura de boa qualidade e com um grupo de professores de excelente capacitaçao técnica. A forma de actuaçao nas clases é apoiada em exercicios escritos e falados com bom enriquecimento de vocábulario. Também utilizamos pesquisas na internet para conhecer as diversas culturas Colombianas, o que me parece muito válido também para aumentar o vocabulário e fortalecer a gramática.

A pesar de um prazo curto de estadia na Escola foi possível aprender muitas coisas novas e reforçar os conhecimentos que já possuía anteriormente.

Espero poder voltar no próximo ano para participar de mais classes e melhorar cada vez mais os meus conhecimentos da Língua espanhola.

Paulo Roberto Dal-Cere

PAULO DAL- CERE • Estudiante Brasileño

Cartagena, Uma Colômbia que você nem imagina, nada de traficantes, violencia e perigo. Cartagena de Indias fica localizada no norte da Colômbia em frente ao mar do caribe, tombanda pela Unesco e colonizada por espanhóis, a cidade portuaria é protegida por 7 km de muralha que resiste ao longo de cinco séculos e esta intacta e preservada até hoje.

A escola onde estudei está localizada no centro histórico, as aulas são boas e os professores são competentes e atenciosos, eu dividia a sala com mais um aluno (suiço) o que tornou único e exclusivo as aulas.

O meu nível de espanhol melhorou muito, fiz muitos amigos de várias partes do mundo.

Todas as terças e quintas à tarde tem passeios culturais com toda turma da escola, o mais divertido são as aulas de salsa e merengue, para quem quer aprender a bailar a escola oferece professores profissionais.

Bom…o mais legal disso tudo é que você faz o curso de mergulho, 5 dias de aulas teóricas (a tarde)e sábado e domingo acontece as aulas práticas na piscina e no mar, na isla do rosario.

Gostaria de agradecer ao meu prof Ricardo Macia pela sua atençao, competência e paciencia de esclarecer todas as minhas dúvidas.

Para quem procura algo diferente e novo é só fazer a mala e viajar para a Colômbia – Cartagena de índias.

Se você curte praias, mergulho, dança, cidade histórica, vida noturna agitada, amigos de várias partes do mundo e nenhum brasileiro (coisa rara encontrar brasileiros, rs),

Cartagena de Indias é um ótimo lugar para aprender espanhol, digamos que é uma mistura de férias e estudo, é uma forma maravilhosa de enriquecer o seu currículo.

LEAH • Estudiante Brasileña
THATI • Estudiante Brasileña

J’ai étudié quatre semaines à Nueva Lengua à l’automne 2003. Pour ce qui est des cours d’espagnol, j’ai appris beaucoup et j’ai vraiment amélioré mon espagnol.  Les professeurs sont sympathiques et compétents et surtout, sont à l’écoute des besoins des élèves.  Les cours sont ainsi très personnalisés.  J’ai souvent fait des activités avec mes professeurs après les cours.  Un aspect original de l’école Nueva Lengua est qu’on peut choisir plusieurs programmes de leçons d’espagnol.  Il y en a vraiment pour tous les goûts.  Durant mes quatre semaines, j’avais des cours seulement l’avant-midi.  J’ai pu suivre des cours de danse et de photographie avec les étudiants de l’université l’après-midi.  Ce fut une manière de faire des liens avec les étudiants colombiens.

Finalement, ce que j’ai vraiment adoré, c’est que l’école offre des visites culturelles deux fois par semaine.  Elles sont pour les étudiants étrangers et permettent de visiter Bogota et ses environs.  Comme je n’avais pas de voiture, j’étais bien contente de visiter les endroits éloignés du centre.  Il va sans dire que la dame qui nous accompagnait était vraiment sympathique.  En plus, elle connaissait très bien Bogota et nous a montré la vraie vie des Colombiens.

Mon séjour à l’école fut bref, mais extrêmement enrichissant.  J’aurais bien aimé y rester plus longtemps.  Il va sans dire que je recommande à tous d’y étudier, car j’y aie passé une expérience formidable.

EMILIE BIGHAM- DESROCHERS • Estudiante Canadiense

I had a conference in Panama in July, so I decided to take some Spanish classes. Since I had a positive experience with Nueva Lengua Colombia the previous year, I called them for my visit to Panama. This turned out to be a good decision. The school in Panama is very well situated and has a dedicated team and well organized activities. They prepared a special program for me and were flexible and available during my entire visit. They also organized ccommodation for me with a very nice family, with whom I was able to practice Spanish and learn about daily life in Panama. Without hesitation, I would recommend this school to other people seeking classes in Panama.

CHRISTOPHER CLARK • Estudiante Canadiense

Zasílám pozdrav z Prahy kolumbijské škole Nueva Lengua, kde jsem strávila překrásný měsíc studia španělštiny. Kromě samotných kurzů jsem díky škole měla možnost seznámit se s kolumbijskou kulturou, vidět zajímavá místa v Bogotě a jejím okolí a poznat obrovské množství milých a přátelských lidí. Poznala jsem také, že Kolumbie není až tak nebezpečná, jak se o ní ve světě píše.

Za měsíc pobytu jsem se naučila  běžné komunikaci a musím říct, že výuka byla na vysoké úrovni.

Také ubytování v rodině bylo skvělé. Poznala jsem zvyky kolumbijské rodiny a měla jsem tak možnost porovnávat rozdíly jednotlivých kultur. Díky poznatkům, které jsem v Bogotě získala, jsem se rozhodla nadále studovat španělštinu a do Kolumbie se vrátit.

ZORA PITAKOVA • Estudiante Checa

Mit sporgkursus var en rigtig god oplevelse. Jeg modtog undervisning først én uge i Bogota og efterfølgende én uge i Cartagena. Det var en god
kombination, hvilket gav mig en masse spændende indtryk og et indblik i forskellige sub-kulturer i Colombia. Bogota er en meget spændende by med alt fra upscale kvarterer med flotte pladser til de fattige områder i den sydlige del. Cartagena er en betagende smuk by med gamle befæstninger, smalle hyggelige gader og paradis-agtige strande. Byen har dog den ulempe, at der er varmt, MEGET varmt. I begge byer boede jeg ved en familie udvalgt af progammet. Det var meget søde og jeg havde gode fysiske forhold. Mine undervisere var generelt kompetente og behjælpelige.
Undervisningen bestod i en kombination af samtale og diverse grammatiske øvelser. Skolerne arrangerede forskellige kulturelle aktiveter, hvilket gav mulighed for at lære lidt mere om nærområdet og såmænd at danse til latinamerikanske rytmer.

KRISTIAN • Estudiante Danés
SIOBRHAR • Estudiante Danés


Ich habe Ende 2006 für 3 Wochen spanisch mit Nuevalengua in Bogota gelernt. Ich benötige spanisch in erster Linie für berufliche Zwecke, und hatte bereits geringe Vorkenntnisse durch 2 Kurse, an denen ich in Deutschland teilgenommen habe. Um sprachlich einen weiteren Schritt nach vorne zu machen, wollte ich unbedingt einen mehrwöchigen Intensivkurs besuchen. Die Bilder im Internet sind real!

Was mich am meisten beeindruckt hat: Die Freundlichkeit und Kompetenz der Lehrkräfte.

Obwohl ich Unterricht in einer Kleingruppe gebucht hatte, hatte ich über die gesamte Zeit Einzelunterricht, da in meiner “Leistungsklasse” sonst niemand zu schulen war. Dies war für mich natürlich optimal, da der Unterricht auf meine Interessen hin abgestimmt wurde. Aus beruflichen Gründen musste ich 3 Schultage ausfallen lassen, diese ausgefallenen Stunden wurden wie selbstverständlich auf die anderen Tage verteilt.

Noch ein paar Worte zum Leben in Bogota / Kolumbien: Für Europäer hat Kolumbien einen extrem schlechten Ruf (Drogen, Entführungen, Kriminalität). Als ich vor 18 Monaten zum ersten Mal nach Kolumbien gereist bin, hatte ich auch ein etwas flaues Gefühl im Magen. Dies hat sich aber relativ schnell gelegt und mittlerweile freue ich mich, wenn es mal wieder aus beruflichen Gründen Richtung Bogota geht. Ich fühle mich in Bogota wesentlich sicherer als in den meisten anderen lateinamerikanischen Großstädten. Ansonsten ist es wie in anderen Großstädten auch: Man sollte die Einheimischen fragen, wo / was sicher für Ausländer ist und was nicht.

Es gibt zwei Gegenden die sehr zu empfehlen sind: Zona Rosa und Parque 93. Hier gibt es eine Menge Restaurants, Bars und Diskotheken. Dort kann man sich ohne Probleme frei bewegen, auch das Reisen innerhalb der Stadt mit dem Bussystem Transmileneo ist unproblematisch und sicher.

Für Rückfragen stehe ich jederzeit gerne zur Verfügung. e-mail:


Juergen Wunderlich (39 Jahre) aus Muenster- Deutschland

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / With kind regards

Juergen Wunderlich
Technical Sales Department KB – 1

Münsterstr. 50 , D-49525 Lengerich
T +49 5481 14 3670
F +49 5481 13 3361
M +49 178 4768343

JURGEN WUNDERLICH • Estudiante Alemán

Ein Sprachkurs bei Nueva Lengua in Cartagena ist ein absoluter Hoehepunkt eines Aufenthaltes in Lateinamerika. In einer der schoensten Staedte der Karibik und Amerikas macht das Lernen viel Spass, die Lehrer sind unglaublich nett und sehr kompetent. Bei den zahlreichen kulturellen Aktivitaeten kann man das Gelernte gleich anwenden und erfaehrt viel ueber Kolumbien und die Kolumbianer. Dazu sollte man die Moeglichkeit nutzen, Salsa und Merengue zu tanzen, beides wird an der Schule unterrichtet. Andreas Haack, Berlin/Caracas

ANDREAS HAACK • Estudiante Alemán

Ich war 2 Wochen in Cartagena und habe dort die Sprachschule nuevalengua besucht.
Es war mein 2.Aufenthalt in Cartagena und ich muss sagen, dass es eine wunderbare Erfahrung war.

Cartagena ist eine Stadt an der kolumbianischen Karibikkueste, die durch ihre alten in der spanischen Kolonialzeit entstandenen Gebaeude eine unglaubliche Athmosphaere hat. Die Menschen sind sehr gastfreundlich und hilfsbereit.Man hat das Gefuehl immer willkommen zu sein. Die Gastfamilie, bei der ich waehrend meines Aufenthaltes gewohnt habe war sehr nett und freundlich. Die Sprachschule hat neben dem sehr guten Sprachunterricht ein Kultur und Freizeitangebot, dass ueber die Historie von Cartagena informiert und den Kontakt zu den dort lebenden Menschen ermoeglicht. Das Konzept der Schule ist besonders fuer Studenten, die alleine reisen sehr hilfreich.

Die Lehrer sind sehr gut ausgebildet und stellen sich mit ihrem Unterrichtsplan auf das jeweilige Niveau der Studenten ein. Die Leitung der Schule war immer erreichbar und hat in jeder Situation geholfen eine Loesung zu finden. Eine Erfahrung die ich nicht missen moechte und eine reise, die ich jedem empfehlen kann. Bestimmt werde ich einen weiteren Kurs belegen, wenn ich die Moeglichkeit dazu habe.

JUTTA EGGELING • Estudiante Alemán

Medellin, die Stadt des ewigen Frühlings, ist geprägt durch das angenehme Klima. Die Menschen sind dort sehr hilfsbereit und gastfreundlich. Auch meine Gastfamilie hat mich sehr herzlich bei sich aufgenommen.

Darüber hinaus hat mir der Sprachunterricht an der Hochschule besonders gut gefallen, da die Lehrer sehr engagiert sind und der Unterricht in kleinen Gruppen stattfindet.”

Daniel Hahn / Frankfurt

DANIEL HAHN • Estudiante Alemán

Hej alla glada och äventyrslystna svenskar som vill lära er spanska!

Jag heter Samantha Rozi och bor i Stockholm. Jag har ett brinnande intresse för det spanska språket.

Jag fattade mod och åkte därför iväg till Latin Amerika under sommaren 2003.

Jag var först i Venezuela och sedan tog jag mig enkelt och billigt över till Colombia. Där kom jag oanmäld till en skola i Caratagena. Cartagena är en mysig och vacker stad som ligger vid vattnet i norra Colombia. Skolan heter “Escuela de Español Nueva Lengua”.

För det första fick jag ett oerhört varmt och vänligt mottagande. En värdfamilj ordnades med en gång i stans bästa område och jag fick ” one to one” lektioner, fastän jag betalat för grupp lektioner.

Eftersom folket i Colombia arbetar med hela sitt hjärta fick jag vara med om den bästa semestern och den bästa språkskolan någonsin!

Jag är 25 år ,har rest i över 24 länder och varit på 5 olika språkskolor, i England, Malta, Spanien, Venezuela och Colombia. Av alla dessa skolor har ” Escuela de Espanol Nueva Lengua” i Colombia varit den absolut bästa

Skolan gav mig utmärk service och de mest pedagogiska lärare som jag nägonsin mött! De arbetade med inlevelse och känsla och man blev genast vän med dem. På två veckor lärde jag mig mer spanska än under två månader i Spanien och Venezuela.

Folket i Colombia är så varma och trevliga; det är lätt att förälska sig i dem.

Colombia är ett land som ligger mig mycket varmt om hjärtat.

Vill du lära dig spanska i den trevligaste miljön på jorden, så ska du åka till Colombia, Cartagena och till den ovannämnda Språkskolan!

Lycka till!

SAMANTHA • Estudiante Sueca

For egen del spenderade jag en vecka i Cartagena och 4 veckor i Medellin pa Nueva Lenguas sprakskola. Jag blev upphamtad direkt pa flygplatsen. Enligt min mening var Nueva Lengua en mycket organiserad och professionell skola. Dessutom erbjods olika former aktiviteter vid sidan om som museum, snorkling etc. val integrerat med skolarbetet.

Lararna var professionella och erbjod undervisning enligt den niva du befinner dig. I Medellin erbjuds dessutom olika amnen, sasom finansiering, geografi, historia, nationalekonomi, beroende pa vilket omrade du ar intresserad av. Nivan pa undervisningen har du stor inverkan pa. Vill du jobba med basal grammatik utfors detta, antingen i grupp eller individuellt beroende pa vad du anser vara bast for dig. En kombination tycker jag var bast.

Efter 5 veckor, 20 timmars undervisning per vecka, ar jag flytande rent konversationsmassigt. For egen del var detta en god forberedelse infor universitetsstudier pa spanska i Mexico.

Har du nagra kommentarer eller fragor, tveka inte att kontakta mig via

Mvh/Tord Lindstedt

TORD LINDSTET • Estudiante Sueco

Nueva Lengua är ett mycket bra alternativ för den som vill studera spanska; klasserna är små,lärarna är personliga och professionella och anstränger sig verkligen för att göra mesta möjliga av studierna.Colombia är dessutom ett land väl värt att besöka, säkerheten är god, vänliga människor, vackert och god mat. Jag kan verkligen rekommendera Nueva Lengua

CLAES CALEMARK • Estudiante Sueco

Meine Erfahrungen an der Universität de la Sabana (Nueva Lengua- Bogotá)

Jeder weiss, dass sich eine Sprache am einfachsten und effizientesten im entsprechenden Sprachgebiet aneignen lässt. So entschied ich mich im Sommer 2003, nach Bogotá zu reisen und dort eine Universität zu besuchen. Ich lebte in Cota (Vorort von Bogotá) bei einer Familie, die ich in der Schweiz kennen gelernt hatte. Die Universität de la Sabana ist von Cota aus gesehen die nächste, so entschied ich mich, natürlich mit gemischten Gefühlen, dort die Spanischkurse für Ausländer zu besuchen, was sich aber als durchaus positives Erlebnis herausstelle. Das Universitätsgelände umfasst eine Fläche von ca. einem Quadratkilometer, das sich wie eine Oase erhebt. Unglaublich gut gepflegt und schön gestaltet fand ich den Campus vor: die Gebäude und Einrichtungen sind eingebetet zwischen Gewässern und Eukalyptusbäumen und es gibt sehr viele grosszügige Zurückziehungsmöglichkeiten; ein Erholungsgebiet pur, so schien mir. Aber nicht nur das Gelände, auch die Infrastruktur ist in einwandfreiem Zustand. (Ich habe mir während meinem Aufenthalt mehrere Universitäten angeschaut, aber keine kann sich in diesem Punkt mir der Universität de la Sabana messen.) Besonders gespannt war ich auf den Spanischunterricht, da ich wirklich nur ein paar Wörter sprechen konnte. Durch die kleinen Lerngruppen von höchstens drei Personen, ist es den aufgestellten Lehrern möglich, den Stoff deinem Niveau angepasst zu vermitteln. Durch diese intensive Art des Unterrichtens, können die Studierenden natürlich grosse Fortschritte verzeichnen.  Ich besuchte zehn Wochen Spanischunterricht und konnte riesige Fortschritte machen, zu meinem Erstaunen. Nebst Spanischunterricht ist es einem möglich, das grosse Freizeitangebot, das übliche und ausgefallene Sportarten und natürlich auch viele musische Tätigkeiten umfasst, zu nutzen. Es ist einem erlaubt, das universitäre Leben völlig auszukosten. Mir ist aufgefallen, dass der durchschnittliche Kolumbianer sehr offen gegenüber Ausländern ist, ja sie sogar herzlich empfängt und um sein Wohlergehen echt bemüht ist, und konnte dementsprechend sehr viele positive Erfahrungen machten.

Stefan Enzler

STEFAN ENZLER • Estudiante Suizo

ich war 6 wochen in kolumbien und habe mich erst sehr kurzfristig im land entschieden noch eine sprachschule zu besuchen.   via internet fand ich nueva lengua und habe mich 4 tage vor schulbeginn beworben. am tag meiner ankunft in medellin um 9h morgens holte mich meine lehrerin,ana-maria,persönlich am flughafen ab. da ich nicht gerne im hotel bin, organisierte ana-maria mir eine privatunterkunft und führte mich gleich dorthin. es war eine sehr nette frau in einem ruhigen , zentralen quartier. nachdem ich mich im schönen zimmer etwas eingerichtet hatte, fuhren wir zu dritt richtung universität, hatten noch eine kleine mahlzeit unterwegs und bereits 4 stunden nach meiner ankunft hatte ich meine ersten spanischstunden in medellin. da ana-maria sehr felxibel war , konnte ich für die nächsten tage sagen ob ich lieber nachmittags oder morgen stunde wollte. der unterricht war sehr abwechslungsreich und ich habe viel gelernt uber land und leute. es war ein voller erfolg und noch heute habe ich kontakt via e-mail. von medellin aus organisierte ich nochmals einen sprachaufenthalt für 2 wochen in bogota. auch dort klappte alles bestens, ich wurde bei meiner gastfamilie am ersten schulmorgen abgeholt, der lehrer zeigte mir den ganzen schulweg , wo welcher autobus, zeigte mir die universität la sabana und auch hier war der unterricht sehr interessant und abwechslungsreich. es gibt auch täglich aktivitäten, wie kino , ausfüge oder vorträge. ich kann jedem das land und die schule von kolumbien herzlichst empfehlen.

KATHARINA • Estudiante Suiza
PASCAL HUSER • Estudiante Suizo
CLARA WYSS • Estudiante Suiza
NATHALIE • Estudiante Suiza

During the month of August, 2003, I decided to take a three-week vacation and use it to study Spanish. Since I take my four-year-old daughter with me when traveling, I wanted to study someplace fun and interesting for her as well. I had heard good things about Cartagena, Colombia and I found the Nueva Lengua program on the web. I was extremely pleased with the entire experience and I would recommend it to everyone

I found the teachers pleasant, professional and willing to make changes based on our feedback. There were only three people in my program at the time – something I considered a great plus. Huge programs generally mean less one-on-one time with teachers. The classes were usually done by mid-day which meant that we had the afternoon to enjoy one of the most beautiful cities I have ever seen. For my work, I travel extensively in Africa, the Caribbean and I often pass by Europe. I must say that Cartagena was one of the most beautiful and fun places I have ever been. One nice aspect of the city is that even though it is very safe, there didn’t seem to be as many tourists as I had imagined. They do have many tourists from South America but most of them are speaking Spanish so you rarely hear English in the streets and far fewer people approach you and speak English than you might encournter in other cities in Latin America. This meant that I was forced to use my Spanish nearly all of the time. I have a doctorate in Education and I can be quite picky when it comes to the quality of instruction. Their ability to adapt to their students was probably the most important quality of the teaching staff. Among them were college professors and teachers from language schools. Nueva Lengua located a beautiful little hotel that was perfect for myself and my daughter. The price was extremely reasonable and, again, I was required to communicate in Spanish. Nueva Lengua also located a day care center for my daughter to attend while I took class. It was beautiful (and included a room they could look into full of tropical birds), set right across the street from the beach, and well-run. We also took advantage of many activities in the area. The city is full of interesting history that my daughter and I just loved…stories of pirates invading the huge fort, etc. We went snorkeling with great company called Cultura del Mar located right in the old city that works with one of the tour groups leaving from the wharf. I was amazed that they were able to take my four-year-old snorkeling and not let her be at all afraid. She kept saying that she was looking for Nemo. It was an amazing experience to see the reefs near the Islas del Rosario. Again, I wasn’t sure before leaving whether or not to trust a language school I had found on-line with providing quality instruction and with helping to make the kinds of arrangements I listed above. This was one case where I am glad I did.

KATAHARINE • Estudiante Estadounidense

I’m very happy to write about my experience at Nueva Lengua Bogota. The program you have developed served me wonderfully, and I expect I will return.
Two things made the program work especially well for me. On one hand, its flexibility made it possible for me to squeeze the most out of the limited time I had to spend. Rather than having to wait until the first of the month to start a fixed course, I was able to begin when I was available and, so, make the most use of my time. More important, though, than even the flexibility was the character of the staff. The careful attention the instructers paid to my specific needs helped my progress enormously. The fact that you and the teachers were clearly interested in listening to what I wanted to say pushed me to speak much more than I would have in a less personal program.
Thanks again.
Steven Werlin
Dean of the College
Shimer College

STEVEN WERLIN • Estudiante Estadounidense

I really enjoyed my time at Nueva Lengua . The teachers were quite good and made an effort to teach about the culture of Cartagena as well as the language. They were all wonderful, fun individuals, and the administration was also essential in guiding the students as we settled into the city. They were so generous with their time and really went above and beyond what I had expected in terms of helping us make connections, find cultural opportunities and see local sights — the most memorable of which was bathing in a mud volcano! On our cultural excursions, the teachers were knowledgable and passionate about the history of Cartagena and made excellent instructors.

Cartagena itself is a beautiful city (and well removed from the dangers of certain parts of Colombia, ( finally managed to convince my Mom). It is a unique and interesting city with its unusual combination of history, visual beauty, tranquility and climate, which is just perfect with its warm, tropical weather. I particularly loved the beaches at Baru Island, one of the islands near the coast of Cartagena, easily accessible by boat. Cartagena is a nice size, neither huge nor tiny, and is pretty easy to get around by bus or walking around the main parts of town.

When I told the staff at Nueva Lengua that I am a dancer by profession and expressed an interest in hooking up with the local scene, they were quick to connect me to both a local gym where I began teaching classes, and to a folkloric dancer with whom I was able to do a cultural trade. I really appreciated their efforts in helping me to find things of interest, down to making phone calls for me when I wasn’t yet ready to speak Spanish on the phone.

When I expressed that my first host family didn’t seem like the right fit for me, they were quick to place me with another which worked out really well. Although both homes were nice, the second one was more suitable for what I wanted in terms of a host situation. Overall, I recommend Nueva Lengua in Cartagena; I spent a month there and wish I could have stayed longer. Especially since there seem to be constant festivals going on. It was a great experience.

TARA AHMED • Estudiante Estadounidense

Nueva Lengua was the third language school our family had attended. It was the first to put us with a family that had a child with whom our 12-year-old could relate. When my wife couldn’t come due to an emergency, they were very flexible and helpful. The family with whom we stayed was simply wonderful and the house was just around the corner from the school, which is in a beautiful neighborhood. Cartagena was very safe and a great tourist destination.
The instruction was well organized into lesson packets. Mine covered the cities of Colombia, the Colombian civil war, the individual rights section of the Colombian constitution, and the Trojan war. They created three new ones for my son, two based on cartoons and one on animals. All the students did one on the ecology of the islands where we went on one of our activities, which included the boat ride, snorkeling and lunch. Our other activity was a visit to an organization that works with street children and to a mud volcano (try it, you’ll like it).
We had a great experience with Nueva Lengua in Cartagena. There is something about being in a real city that challenges you to become fluent, but at the same time there is a safety net of tourism and the school to give you confidence and support.
Roger Friedman
Atlanta, Georgia

ROGER FRIEDMAN • Estudiante Estadounidense

Just a short note to say to Pedro and his staff how much I enjoy the Spanish Language experience at the Nueva Lengua Escuela de Español ( I certainly learned a foundation in Spanish on which to build. I would recommend the school to anyone desiring to learn Spanish and knowledge of the Culture of Colombia.

ALFRED CROSS • Estudiante Estadounidense

Nueva Lengua provided me a great introductory learning experience with the Spanish language. The staff is very friendly, and they tailored the instruction according to my needs. I especially like the flexibility of schedule and content, and I hope to return soon.

LLOYD OMENSON • Estudiante Estadounidense

Please do not trust a word on this page it’s all lies. The site is too modest and intentionally downplays and even outright lies about the quality of this program. For whatever reason it omits the fact that the staff are the nicest people on the planet. Not only are they attentive to all your needs and concerns about your education , but they go as far as they can to make sure that your entire experience while in Colombia (in and out of the school )is as positive as it humanly can be. Where is this in the brochure or on the website? Distortions and lies here, nothing but distortions and lies. Where does this website talk about how the quality of education is absolutely phenomenal? Where does it mention that the instructors are simply extraordinary? It just seems obvious that all this information should be included on the website, yet Pedro, for whatever reason, has decided to distort these obvious facts. So please, don’t let Pedro’s dishonesty steer you away from learning Spanish at Nueva Lengua, you will have the time of your life while there!

Brandon Petit

University of Illinois at Springfield

BRANDON PETIT • Estudiante Estadounidense

My experience in Colombia especially Medellin was more than I ever imagined.  it was one of the best investments I could have ever made.  More importantly was the experience of Nueva Lengua.  I had pure confidence after speaking to Pedro and Rafael that this was the program for me.  The professors were very accommodating to me and my schedule especially if I had special interests.  The classes were intensive and I had the ability to learn with exceptional professors with 20 years of experience.  I also had the opportunity to explore the cultural aspect of Medellin which was very interesting for example the Botero Museum and The Planetarium.  Through the program I was able to explore potential business opportunities with the assistance of my director Rafael Fonseca, Professors, and employees of the school.  I’ve learned a tremendous amount through Nueva Lengua and if I had the time I would love to stay and study more Spanish with this program.  I would recommend this program to anyone for this is the best investment you could make and not only that, but the Spanish in Colombia is one of the best places to learn.  If your looking for a city and industry Medellin, is the place because all of this is within arms reach.  The people are very formal, the climate is perfect, you can feel safe here.  Unfortunately Medellin has a bad reputation in the news, but you need to experience it for yourself as I did.  During my 4 months here I have met a lot of great people here and will have these friends for a very long time.

RAY FORTUNA • Estudiante Estadounidense

I learned a lot about the culture on the Colombian coast, Spanish and of course salsa in Cartagena and Nueva Lengua. The students were great to hang out with, Centro de snorkeling was great to go to las islas with, my professor, Ricardo, was great to study with and the salsa teacher, Yulis,
has helped change my life when I go to clubs…I´ve got some good moves to practice when I go back to New York. The people in Cartagena are pretty friendly…for example, when you seem really lost in the streets, most will walk you to your destination. It´s a time I will remember. And I am already talking about returning to Cartagena. My suggestion is to get someone to take you to the nightclubs outside of the center which are much cooler. The director of the school, Jesus, is a good candidate for a nightclub tour guide… que vaya bien….Wepa!

JEROME BURDI • Estudiante Estadounidense

Testimonial on learning Spanish at the Nueva Lengua  School

                        To: Rafael M. Fonseca

                        Pedro Nino

 Dear Rafael and Pedro:

  I would like to thank you and your staff for making my training in Spanish in Medellin, Colombia a very enjoyable and unforgettable experience.

I wish to thank the teachers – Paula and Ana  for their warmth , patience and kindness.  Both Paula and Ana are very qualified and outstanding teachers and I would be happy to to have them again as my teachers. I want to thank Paula for the tours to the hospital and the Mall. I really learnt a lot from these trips.

I must add that the family  (Olga Luz and her two sons) I stayed with were very kind and  caring . They made me feel a part of the family.  This is a great family to stay with and to experience the Medellin cuisine and hospitality.

The training in Spanish was excellent and the classes were well organized. I would strongly recommend Medellin as my first choice to study Spanish because of the great teachers, the weather- eternal spring. and the environment in which  the classes are conducted. The classes are conducted at the Escuela de Ingenieria de Antioquia.

This University is very convenient for business people and other students because you can use the internet and all the other facilities including the university library.

I would like to add that Medellin is a very  safe city and the people are very friendly and helpful.  I felt very comfortable and safe in Medellin. In addition to learning Spanish here, there are lots of things to do and places to visit in Medellin and the outlying areas.

In General Colombia is a very beautiful country and rich in history . The people are very kind and wonderful.   I must admit that the Paisa women are the most beautiful in the world.

And finally I must thank both Pedro and Rafael Fonseca for putting it altogether for me and making it a success.

 A special thanks to Rafael for making my study in Spanish in Medellin a success.

Without a doubt, the Nueva Lengua school  is a great school for anyone to learn Spanish.

Lloyd Soobrian

Student July 2005

LLOYD SOOBRIAN • Estudiante Estadounidense

“I went to Nueva Lengua in Cartagena for a Spanish refresher course. My teacher, Leidys Soto, was excellent — she was encouraging and patient. She challenged me to go further with my studies and we accomplished a lot in a span of a week. Since then, my Spanish skills significantly improved and I have my teacher to thank for!  Also, despite of what you read about Colombia in the papers, Cartagena is a safe city. It is also a history-filled, beautiful city by the Caribbean coast. Its truly worth the trip and the study!”

COOKIE DOMINGO • Estudiante Estadounidense

Many things enriched my experience at Nueva Language, but the one thing that stands out in my mind, was the opportunity I had to volunteer.  When I opted to volunteer, I didn’t really know what that meant, but when I began classes, I soon discovered another part of Colombia I would come to love and cherish.
One afternoon during my first week, Pedro drove me to the Fundacion.  Upon arriving we were given a tour, in which Pedro translated everything to me.  Here I found an institution, that provides housing for many orphaned children ranging from a few months to 18 years, as well as pregnant troubled mothers.  It is an institution funded by the government, with a foundation built on strong morals and beliefs that are very strong and cohesive, providing a good environment for the children to learn and grow. After the tour, I made the decision to go there 3 times a week after classes for 2-3 hours at a time.  There are many ways to help out with the children, but I chose to help them with their English.

Over my four weeks volunteering, I grew to love some of the children, and the staff.  Not only was I helping them with various things, but they were helping me to know another side of life.  I could tell how important my presence was and how much the children looked forward to my visits.  It was very rewarding, and very meaningful.  I wanted my trip to Colombia to be more than just sightseeing, and taking Spanish.  And this option to volunteer really brought it together, and gave me the enlightened experience I was looking for.

JULIE PRICE • Estudiante Estadounidense

Because of health services research in which I am involved, I began taking Spanish lessons during 2005 and also began looking for a Spanish immersion program. I was put in contact with Pedro Nino at Nueva Lengua on  Bogota and I registered for a 4-week series of classes.  Mr. Nino and all the staff at Nueva Lengua were extremely helpful in setting up my studies, including securing a compatible family and housing, making sure I had the proper documents to enter Columbia, and providing individualized instruction and flexible scheduling.

The class work at Nueva Lengua was very relevant to my work with the School of Nursing and the language faculty were helpful, knowledgeable, and professional. The instructors gave a great deal of individual attention to each student and they all demonstrated their interest and concern for our learning needs. In addition to classes, we were able to visit numerous museums, parks, and other places of interest in and around Bogota.  Because of my work, I stayed in Bogota, but students have the ability to study on the campuses in Bogota, Cartagena, or Medellin.

Because of the poor representation of Columbia in films and the media, a number of my friends and family expressed concern that I would be in some danger.  This concern was totally unfounded. I traveled safely all around Bogota via public transportation (Trans Milaneo and taxi) and took the normal precautions one would take in a busy city of 8 million people.  Additionally, Mr. Nino assisted me in booking travel to the coffee region of Columbia (Parque Nacional de Café and Valle Corcora) and for a 4-day trip to Salto Angel in Venezuela.  The Columbian government has made great progress in securing the cities and is working diligently to secure all parts of the countryside.  There are still geographic areas of concern, but the Nueva Lengua faculty and staff are able to advise students safely about where and how to travel.  Additional conveniences of living in Bogota are the fact that you can drink water from the tap, the country uses 110 AC for electrical appliances, and the weather in Bogota is similar to that in San Francisco.

In summary, the Nueva Lengua Spanish program was excellent.  I learned a great deal about the history, language, and culture of this beautiful and mysterious country.  I thoroughly enjoyed the time I spent being a student and working with the Nursing faculties around Columbia.  I am very grateful to Nueva Lengua for helping provide me with this wonderful experience.

Jean Ann Seago, PhD, RN

Associate Professor

University of California, San Francisco

JEAN SEAGO • Estudiante Estadounidense

I have just returned to the United States from Colombia after attending Nueva Lengua for a month in the cities of Bogotá, Cartagena, and Medellín.  My experience was very positive in each city with Nueva Lengua, the cultural experiences and with each host family that I stayed with.  This was my first imersion experience with a Spanish school in Latin America and felt that Nueva Lengua, Pedro Niño, his staff and teachers were first class and went the the extra mile to make myself and the other students feel welcomed, accommodated and receive the best Spanish instruction according to each student’s level of Spanish.

I would highly recommend Nueva Lengua to anyone in the world for an excellent opportunity to receive the finest Spanish instruction and to experience Colombia.  It is my desire to return to Colombia in the near future to continue to improve my Spanish with Nueva Lengua.

With much gratitude, thank you to Nueva Lengua, the host families and the people of Colombia for a wonderful experience!

Roger E. Dunbar
Dayton, Ohio USA
11/3/05 – 12/3/05

ROGER DUNBAR • Estudiante Estadounidense
MIKE TAMASELLO • Estudiante Estadounidense

Miles de opiniones, calificaciones independientes sobre la Escuela de Español Nueva Lengua