Immersion Spanish course (weekend) in Guaduas

The best course to take advantage of your time and your stay in Colombia. It is a weekend to live an adventure, get to know rural life, the landscapes, the gastronomy and have a total immersion in Spanish.
Guaduas is the town chosen for this experience because it is a heritage town, with an ideal climate and unforgettable accommodation. The rich history, architecture and nature make it a perfect destination for this.

We offer this experience departing from Bogotá, Ibagué and Medellín. Transportation is by car and there will be a teacher accompanying you the entire trip to maximize immersion in the language and discover rural Colombia.

The accommodation is fantastic and the food is fabulous - everything is included. It is important to understand that the accommodation is comfortable in terms of bathrooms and kitchen but that it is a cabin in the middle of nature and it is a large shared bedroom. The photos and recommendations will give you a general idea of ​​the experience.
In Guaduas we will visit a Coffee Hacienda and you will learn about this product so associated with Colombian culture, you will take walks through the town, the royal road and you will visit several places such as the Piedra Capira, the Salto de Versalles and much more.

  (FS) Total immersion Spanish course on the weekend.
Cities: Departing from Bogotá, Ibagué or Medellín to the Guaduas Natural Reserve.
Intensity: All weekend.
Schedules: From Friday at 5:00 pm to Sunday at 6:00 pm
Activities and services included: → Teacher accompaniment.
→ Door to door transport.
→ Accommodation for 2 nights in the Natural Reserve in Guaduas.
→ Food.
→ Tours and Spanish classes.
→ Ecological excursions.
→ Guide material for class.
Value: Transportation, classes, guidance, food and accommodation included.
The value changes according to the number of people attending with you. (Price list)
Start: Every Friday.

Ideal for:

People who come to Colombia for a short time and want a total immersion experience in Spanish and an unforgettable tour, Executives who because of their work cannot study during the week and want a weekend of total immersion and simultaneously get to know Colombia. Students who want to combine their normal course with a weekend course. People who travel between the cities of Bogotá, Medellín, and Ibagué and want to do a different activity on the route, making an unforgettable stop. 

Value and registration

(Price list)


Opening hours:


  • Departure at 3:00 pm
  • Stop at the wine stop for pandebono, panela water, cheese.
  • Arrival in Guaduas for dinner.


  • Breakfast at home
  • 1 hour class
  • Visit to Coffee Farm
  • Lunch at the farm
  • Visit to the Guaduas town
  • Dinner at the farm


  • Breakfast at home
  • 1 hour class
  • Hike to Piedra Capira
  • Lunch at the farm
  • Return to Bogotá
  • (*) The entire trip is educational and always in the company of the responsible teacher. There are formal class spaces, but most of the time the class is experiential.

