Why do retirees choose Colombia?

Colombia is a global tourist destination and every year the number of people interested in getting to know this paradisiacal place grows. Not only for its biodiversity, gastronomy, culture and beauty. There are more and more people who want to live in this piece of the world and this happens because of the opportunities [...]

2023-08-27T13:31:13-05:0014th November, 2019|Learn Spanish traveling|

Experience of Katharina Krall (Austria) in Nueva Lengua

I have always wanted to travel through Colombia - but not organized in a group, but individually - but with my very little knowledge of Spanish I did not want to risk doing such a trip. So I signed up for an intensive course at the language school Nueva Lengua in Cartagena. So [...]

2023-08-29T10:29:56-05:004th September, 2018|Learn Spanish traveling|
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