A square full of culture: La Plaza de la Perseverancia

When traveling, we always wonder where we can find the authentic typical food of a country. Some will mention famous restaurants, recommendations they have heard or read on various websites. But locals will always recommend the market squares, where you can discover the greatest variety of traditional dishes [...]

2024-02-05T20:29:59-05:005th February, 2024|Learn Spanish traveling|

Gastronomic tour: Plaza de la Perseverancia. A journey through the flavors of Colombia

On Friday, January 13, 2023, we visited the Plaza de la Perseverancia, a place to discover Colombian gastronomy. Located in a popular sector of Bogotá, this plaza takes us to the historic Bogotá where peasants from towns surrounding the city used to gather to [...]

2023-08-26T18:04:10-05:0017th January, 2023|Learn Spanish traveling|
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