The first free people in America to be free

Are you one of those who likes to travel the world and learn historical, cultural and interesting things? Then, Colombia is an option for you because it is a magical country, with an exceptional historical, natural and cultural wealth, full of interesting things that attract the attention of many. Colombia has had many struggles [...]

2023-08-29T10:23:31-05:0013th June, 2019|Learn Spanish traveling|

History of the Independence of Cartagena

Cartagena was the second most important city in South America after the city of Caracas in Venezuela. History tells that on November 11, 1811, a large part of the town assaulted the Customs Square, from where all the protesters came out armed. From there they gathered to [...]

2023-08-30T10:57:34-05:0020th September, 2017|Colombian culture and history|

Why the 20th of July is so important in Colombia

It was Friday, market day, when all the people walked through the streets of Santa Fe (the old name of Bogotá) and the people rebelled to achieve autonomy and absolute independence from Spain. The Creoles were tired of the abuses of the Spanish government and on the 20th [...]

2023-08-30T11:00:18-05:0013th September, 2017|Colombian culture and history|

Bogotá: origin and development of the city

The first inhabitants of the city of Bogotá were the Muiscas, belonging to the Chibcha linguistic family. Their main occupation was agriculture, followed by hunting and fishing. Their main crops were corn, potatoes, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, cassava, tobacco, [...]

2023-08-30T11:28:16-05:0012th September, 2017|Colombian culture and history|

Policarpa Salavarrieta, heroine of Guaduas

Policarpa Salavarrieta, also known as La Pola, is the best known and most popular heroine among Colombians. She represents the other feminine image, almost opposite to the traditional one: the fighting, active and courageous woman. Policarpa was born and raised in Guaduas, in the bosom of a wealthy family, which [...]

2023-08-30T11:35:40-05:00September 3rd, 2017|Colombian culture and history|
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