Tejo: between culture and sport

Tejo is the only indigenous sport in Colombia, it has a deep relationship with Colombian culture and its origin dates back to pre-Columbian times: to the indigenous Muisca groups. He was born in the Cundiboyacences highlands, more precisely in the municipality of Turmequé in the department of Boyacá. Their game was part of some ceremony [...]

2023-09-27T17:05:14-05:0028th November, 2022|Colombian culture and history|

Colombia: a country of coffee… let's have a coffee!

In the world, coffee is known as an "elixir", a natural stimulant and energizer that motivates us to carry out our daily activities. Some even think that any activity that is done should be accompanied by a coffee (or as we say in Bogotá, Colombia, a tintico) for example [...]

2023-08-27T13:17:04-05:0025th September, 2022|Learn Spanish traveling|

April: month of the Spanish language and many adventures

The month of April was a month of learning and adventures. We not only improve our Spanish in classes, but we live magical experiences. On April 23 we celebrate Language Day, sharing an afternoon full of Spanish literature and culture. Some students represented [...]

2023-08-27T13:19:40-05:00May 19th, 2022|Learn Spanish traveling|

Spanish and biodiversity in Bogotá

Spanish takes possession every day in the world as one of the languages ​​most studied by young people; It is a grammatically very flexible language, since an idea can be said in different ways; In addition to its great linguistic richness, a great variety of words with origins [...]

2023-08-27T13:21:22-05:00January 1st, 2020|Colombian culture and history|

7 alternative plans in Bogotá

There are many reasons to choose Colombia as your next destination, as it is one of the countries with the greatest biodiversity in the world, its streets are full of colors, there is adventure, wonderful beaches, moors, deserts, the Amazon jungle and many more things that they will not give you space [...]

2023-08-29T10:20:54-05:0024th June, 2019|Learn Spanish traveling|

Bogotá: origin and development of the city

The first inhabitants of the city of Bogotá were the Muiscas, belonging to the Chibcha linguistic family. Their main occupation was agriculture, followed by hunting and fishing. Their main crops were corn, potatoes, beans, pumpkins, tomatoes, cassava, tobacco, [...]

2023-08-30T11:28:16-05:0012th September, 2017|Colombian culture and history|

7 Churches to visit during Holy Week in Bogotá

Holy Week is one of the most important Catholic celebrations. In Colombia it is felt and celebrated particularly and since Thursday is a national holiday, the offices are closed as well as our Spanish school. Since classes are suspended until Monday, you can take the opportunity to explore [...]

2023-09-04T09:24:24-05:00April 15th, 2017|Learn Spanish traveling|
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