Frequency expressions with past perfect in Spanish

Frequency expressions allow actions to be placed in a specific time frame, providing detailed context about when events occurred. In this way, it is specified when or with what regularity an action has occurred. Let us remember that we use this form of the past to talk about experiences [...]

2024-01-05T17:00:55-05:005th January, 2024|Learn Spanish traveling, ELE and languages|

Culture and art – Conversation topics for ELE classes

Culture in teaching Spanish as a foreign language (ELE) is vital to understand and communicate effectively. It involves immersion in customs, values, traditions and idiomatic expressions of Spanish-speaking countries. By integrating culture into their Spanish studies, students gain more diverse perspectives.

2023-10-31T17:30:30-05:0031st October, 2023|ELE and languages|

Learn Spanish by playing – ELE and board games

Traditional games are recreational activities that have been played by generations over time and that are part of the culture of a particular society or community. These games are usually passed down from generation to generation, and often have deep roots in history.

2023-10-31T17:16:17-05:0031st October, 2023|ELE and languages|

Sumerce – What does it mean? When it's used?

One of the first things that is discovered when beginning to learn Spanish is that there are two ways of referring to someone in the second person: tú and usted. As you know, tú is the most common form in the Hispanic world and is used colloquially in all kinds of [...]

2023-08-01T11:56:27-05:0026th July, 2023|ELE and languages|

Gamification and ELE – the importance of including games in the teaching of a foreign language

When you think of childhood, memories of our studies, our parents, our friends and, especially, what we played with them most certainly come to mind. We have been playing since we were little. We play at home, at school, in the street, and anywhere we [...]

2023-08-01T11:49:07-05:0025th July, 2023|ELE and languages|

Audiovisual resources in the Spanish class

In the field of teaching a second language, technology has become a powerful pedagogical tool. In the context of Spanish for foreigners, the integration of audiovisual resources in the Spanish class is an excellent way to enrich the learning experience [...]

2023-08-22T20:46:25-05:004th July, 2023|Learn Spanish traveling, ELE and languages|

Teaching Spanish as a foreign language has opened the doors to different worlds for us” – The teachers of Nueva Lengua and your experience in ELE

Being a teacher of Spanish as a foreign language is an experience that not only transforms the lives of the students but also the lives of the teachers who have dedicated themselves to this great work. For the team of teachers Nueva Lengua, teaching Spanish has represented a great [...]

2023-08-22T20:20:46-05:00July 1st, 2023|ELE and languages|

Learning Spanish by writing: writing as a teaching tool in ELE classes

When you are learning a new language, it is very common to come across people who can understand and speak it fluently, but who have difficulty reading and writing. And although oral skills are undeniably a fundamental part of language learning, the truth is [...]

2023-08-25T09:16:03-05:00May 4th, 2023|ELE and languages|

Curiosities of French and Spanish: false friends

Learning a language will always be a fascinating experience. The road is full of efforts, but above all of challenges, laughter, and fun and exciting moments. Even when it comes to languages ​​as close to each other as French and Spanish, students never cease to be surprised with [...]

2023-08-25T09:16:43-05:00May 4th, 2023|ELE and languages|
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