Finding a home to stay on your next trip can become a complex task as there are different factors that must be taken into account such as: the place you want to know but have no idea what it is like, whether or not you speak the official language, yes You have or not contacts there, if the area in which the home is located is safe, the dynamics of being "alone" in a new place and various concerns like these that generate in many travelers a series of uncertainties that are decisive at the time planning the journey.

Bastiaan had this dilemma, a Dutchman in love with Colombia who arrived in 2011 with the purpose of continuing his learning spanish and has traveled to the country on different occasions. The last time she came to stay for a simple reason: to have realized that in Bogota, there wasn't one student housing international where the moving process will be facilitated, such as a safe place, recommendations of what to do both in the city and in the country and colleagues with the same objectives; learn, enjoy and know.

That's how he was born IT IS YOUR HOUSE, a modern place where you can share space with other international students (French, German, Italian, Canadian, among many others), not only to hang out but to watch movies *, cook together, plan outings * and why not? make great friends, or "partners" as we say in Colombia, to spend an unforgettable stay.

Just like him, more and more arrive young foreigners to the Colombian entrepreneurship market, who thanks to their enthusiasm, talent, desire to learn, know and have great abilities to create, have made Colombia a great market, thus taking advantage of the great potential found here.

According to Bastian, to undertake a business in a foreign country necessary learn the language, as it is one of the keys when it comes to understanding in the best way the society where the project will be developed, and in its particular case Spanish, which is an excellent option, since there are more than twenty-one countries in which it is spoken this language and with this not only a nueva lengua but also an experiential benefit.

Learning Spanish at present it is something fundamental. Today mastering this language is only the first step and the more foreign languages ​​you master, the more opportunities to advance in your career you have.

Andrea Bejarano – Spanish teacher 

movies * contraction to talk about movie, rumbas * parties

All the articles in this blog have been written by the teachers of our school and by students from different countries who traveled to Colombia to learn Spanish.
“You travel too and study Spanish in NUEVA LENGUA"

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