Cartagena was the second most important city in South America after the city of Caracas in Venezuela.

History tells that on November 11, 1811, a large part of the town stormed the Plaza de la Aduana, from where all the protesters left armed.

From there he gathered for the session of the City Governing Board. When Commissioner Muñoz proposed the Declaration of Assolute Independence from Spain, those summoned demanded approval and, as much as many members of the Junta resisted, the pressure was decisive: the people wanted freedom!

The members of the independence movement assured that they were willing to "shed even the last drop of blood" before abandoning the fight; unfortunately, such a statement would mark the destiny of the city.

On August 20, 1815, the city was the victim of a new Spanish reconquest.

Immediately a state of siege was decreed and the rebels began to resist the invasion, which cost most of their lives. After three months of suffering siege, when the city had been ravaged by destruction and the people suffered from numerous contagious diseases, the rebels managed to triumph and finally take back their city.

After this event, Cartagena was honored with the nickname "La Heroica".

Long ago, the celebration of the Independence of Cartagena was a party whose mission was to remember the glorious days of the history of Colombia.

The celebrations began with a parade and ended with speeches, which recognized the courage of the heroes, who gave their lives to defend the independence and freedom of the Granada nation.

The afternoon was enlivened by bands of musicians, made up of young natives and foreigners dressed in history. One of the bands was crowned the "Goddess of Liberty."

At night, fireworks, the lighting of the balconies, the rocket fire and the parade through the streets of citizens and young people in disguise, dancing to various musical tones, completed the party.

From 1933 the independence festival was replaced by the 'Parade of goddesses' emblematic of the national beauty.

What would be the First National Beauty Contest, would coincide with the fourth centenary of the Foundation of the city and the culmination of the works of the maritime pier.

All the articles in this blog have been written by the teachers of our school and by students from different countries who traveled to Colombia to learn Spanish.
“You travel too and study Spanish in NUEVA LENGUA"

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